succumb, slapdash, reprimand, prattle, opaque, militant, incorrigible, exodus, brazen, annihilate
- adj. given to fighting; active and aggressive in support of a cause - ...............................
- v. to give way to superior cause, yield - ...........................
- adj. not letting light through; not clear or lucid; stupid - ............................
- v. to destroy completely - ......................................
- v. to talk in an aimless, foolish, or simple way; n. baby talk - ..............................
- adj made of brass; shameless, impudent - ..............................
- adj. careless and hasty - ...........................
- n a large-scale departure or flight - .............................
- adj. not able to be corrected, beyond control - ...........................
- v. to scold, find fault with; n. a rebuke - ............................

2. From the words in the previous exercise, choose the one that best completes the following sentences.
- If we are going to use this space as a darkroom for photography, we must have a completely __________ covering over the window.
- The doctor warned the relatives that if the patient's condition deteriorated any further, he would __________ to pneumonia.
- The fact that you cannot control these small children does not mean that they are ____________
- "If you spent more time and effort on your essays, they would cease to be such ___________ affairs," my older sister wisely observed.
- Her friends call her "Motormouth" because she has a remarkable capacity to ___________ on endlessly about the most trivial matters.
- Fighting is considered such a(n) ____________ violation of the rules of a game that the offending players are usually severely penalized.
- It is an unfortunate fact that the ____________ attitudes of the kaiser and his cronies helped make World War I inevitable.
- Mom and Dad said nothing when I failed the examination, but the disappointed looks on their faces hurt more than the most severe __________.
- The second book of he Old Testament is named for the story it recounts of the _________ of the Israelites from the land of Egypt
- It is a frightening fact of modern life that we now possess the weaponry to ____________ not only our enemies, but all humankind.
3. From the words in the previous exercises, choose the one that is opposite in meaning to the following words and expressions.
- an immigration, influx, arrival; an entrance - ..............................
- to praise, pat on the back - ............................
- painstaking, meticulous, thorough, in-depth - ................................
- docile, tractable, curable, reparable - ...............................
- deferential, respectful, self-effacing - .............................
- to foster, promote, encourage, nurture - ............................
- to overcome, master, conquer - ..............................
- transparent, clear, bright, perceptive - .................................
- unassertive, peaceable, passive - ..............................
You will find the Key in the first comment.
1. militant, succumb, opaque, annihilate, prattle, brazen, slapdash, exodus, incorrigible, reprimand
ReplyDelete2. opaque, succumb, incorrigible, slapdash, prattle, brazen, militant, reprimand, exodus, annihilate
3. exodus, reprimand, slapdash, incorrigible, brazen, annihilate, succumb, opaque, militant