Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Rila Monastery in Bulgaria

Read the text and mark the sentences True, False or No information in the text        

          The Rila Monastery is an architectural work of enormous dimensions, an apogee of the work of the Renaissance craftsmen, icon-painters, wood-carvers, artisans in the artistic area where architecture and the decorative and monumental painting of stone, wood and metal are combined.
          The Rila Monastery was founded in the l0th century by the Bulgarian monk St. John of Rila and was rebuilt in the l3th -l4th century. From that time date the fortress tower, the bishop's throne, richly carved doors and some manuscripts, icon paintings and church plates.
         Situated high up in the Rila Mountains, the monastery is not easy to reach. From the town of Rila, the monastery is still some 25km away. Access is difficult but the experience is well worth the effort.
         The building has four levels of colorful balconies with some 300 cells, kitchens, guard rooms, a hospital, chapels and even a winery. From the top balcony you have splendid views of the surrounding Rila Mountains. In the center of the courtyard, there is a beautiful church with amazing frescos. The best time to visit the monastery is weekdays (far fewer tourists) and during the early morning or sunset.

1. The Rila Monastery is a modernistic building, designed by contemporary architects. ..............
2. The Rila Monastery was established about 11 centuries ago. ...........
3. It is not a good idea to visit the monastery as it is difficult to access. ...............
4. There are four chapels in the monastery. .............
5. The best time to visit the monastery is the summer. ..............

Find words in the text which mean the following:
1. painting on wet plaster on a wall or ceiling (n.) - ................................
2. the most successful, popular or powerful point(n.) - ............................
3. a large strong building which can be defended from attack (n.) - ............................
4. an old document or book written by hand in the times before printing was invented (n.) - .........................
5. the method or possibility of getting near to a place or person (n.) - ..........................

You will find the Key in the first comment.

1 comment:

  1. 1.F 2.T 3.F 4.NI 5.NI
    1.fresco 2.apogee 3.fortress 4.manuscript 5. access


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